Best Album
Bon Iver - For Emma, Forever Ago. Fun fact about this album, I love it, but every time i listen to it I think of claire because her sister's name is emma. Regardless, it is brilliant.
Best Film
The Dark Knight - I was totally against the hype for this movie until I saw Batman Begins in May, and when i saw it I was super stoked, plus, Watchmen trailer. I was a dick to claire the night this movie was released, but i didn't care, also, Stephen and I bonded over it.
Best Book
I don't think I read a book released in 2008, but my favorite that I did read was probably the Razor's Edge by Somerset Maughan, or all of the Sandman trade paperbacks by Neil Gaiman. I wish I could tell stories like Neil or write words that moved people, but I was recently informed that I will not change the world and I am full of excrement, so that's fair enough. I would rather have foolish ambitions than no ambitions. (Lindsey is beside me and says hello. Also, she is probably the best girl I know. Really, she's wonderful. :v I love Lindsey.). I realize that this seems like some sort of catty, passive-aggressive way to address an issue, and probably strikes with the same venom of a note passed by a 5th grader, but unfortunately it's my only recourse.
Favorite Album
Say Anything - In Defense of the Genre, we have been over why i love this album many times, so y'all should get it. Max = Frustrated Romantic, Me = Unsuccessful, Frustrated, and Pathetic Semi-Romantic, without talent.
Brand New - Deja Entendu, Jesse Lacey, Max, and Tim Kasher form the songwriting trinity. This album resembles Is a Real Boy in that it deals with Jesse coming to grips with fame and heartache and life on the road. Both SA and BN follow the progression of 1) First Album - sophomoric and poorly produced, but with glimpses of lyrical brilliance. 2) Second Album - Foolhardy, youthful, great. 3) Third Album - Angry, Disenfranchised, Magic.
But DE was essentially me growing through the same emotional stages that I was in high school with IARB, except in college. It's like how Scrubs keeps repeating the same story arches season after season, but with slightly different outcomes. I haven't hit the IDotG and tDaGaRiM stage as a 19 year old, so hopefully I avoid it entirely.
Best Moments of 2008
Cloudcroft Trip
(This is embarrassingly difficult)
Hanging out in the garage
First moving into my new house
My last McAllisters' adventure
Every moment with Lindsey
Colorado Trip
Creating the Magic Blog!
Getting my first college grades (that may sound like bragging, but I'm proud)
Netflix on the Xbox
TDK Night
Half of Aggie Trip
30 Rock
Worst Moments of 2008
Week after Graduation
Hour Before it Ended
Clint Eastwood Night
Riding with Chelsea
Half of Aggie Trip
The First Senior Get Together
Carino's After Graduation
That about sums it up.
Nick is listening to Coldplay right now, Viva La Vida was a poor decision. Its weakness has caused me to dislike the older Coldplay albums. I don't identify with you anymore Chris Martin, you're happily married, you have children named after produce, and your wife hasn't impressed me in a film since Royal Tenenbaums.
I think I have the grades to transfer now, and I think that i might have the courage to actually follow through with it. Despite my lack of the ability to influence anyone and anything I'm gonna try to do what makes me happy.
Also, I hate my job. Last semester I had to work 9 hours on Tuesday and not 9 consecutive or 9 in a split shift. It was 8am to 12pm then 6pm to 11pm. And I had to work every gameday. It's gay.
I applied to U-Dawg with joel and jono etc., so hopefully i get that job, i can work every night so that works, they need my expertise, i've made a pretty ballin' quilt before.
Anyway, I decided to update, and now i'm in a better mood.
Meagan inspired me to perhaps go back and do an entry for every year of high school, but at the moment it sounds like too much work.