Is this the single greatest band to ever exist?
For those of you who are unable to identify Steve Perry's disconcertingly feminine features, the band in question is Journey.
There are literally several reasons (at least seven) why Journey is the pinnacle of modern musical expression, and I'm not going to bury the lead.
Reason Number One Journey is Awesome
Don't Stop Believing
There is not a person on this earth that does not appreciate this heartwrenching song, describing that unique blend of loneliness, romance, and trains that has held sway in America's heart since the dawn of the steam engine.
Whenever you ask someone what their favorite Journey song is, you're really asking them what their second favorite Journey song is, because Don't Stop Believing is their real favorite.
I don't want to say that this song is better than Thriller in its entirety, but I won't not say that either.
This song is so incredible, people that quote Family Guy love it, and people that quote Family Guy are retarded!
Part of the appeal of Don't Stop Believing is the song's versatility, it can be played anywhere, weddings, funerals, Bar Mitzvahs, Bat Mitzvahs, federal hearings, graduations, birthday parties, cinco de mayo celebrations, births, engagements, divorces, graduations, may day, earth day, president's day, mlk jr. day, inaugurations, galas, premieres, juntas, sporting events, scrabble events, sleep overs, slumber parties, the Olympics, assassinations, church, Halloween, Christmas, Easter, and New Years.
My senior year of high school, Don't Stop Believing was my musical intro whenever I stepped on the mound to bring the heat (82 on a good day).
Don't Stop Believing is potentially more accurate and reliable than a Voight-Kampff test, because to hear it and not smile would mean you were nothing but a replicant or Rutger Haur.
Reason Number Two Journey Is Awesome
Think about your favorite Journey song, does it feature pounding bass, brain exploding synth, and blistering guitar? Of course it does, but you know what else it has?
The depth and breadth of all human emotion.
Take my favorite song, Separate Ways, as it begins you hear a sweet synthesizer jam over a mighty kick drum, you're thinking, this song rocks, it's going to be about Journey kicking ass, but then, you step back as Steve, in a howl of pure emotional exhaustion screams his heart out of his chest, "Here we stand! Both of our hearts broken in two! two! two!"
Even Steve feels the pain of ruined relationships.
Consider also, Lovin' Touchin' Squeezin', a simple folk ballad about making lemonade and getting to second base. That's right, not only is Journey tender, but the know how to party.
Then there is Wheel In The Sky, adapted from Perry's senior thesis on the Roman deity Lupercalia, to remind you that he's more than just a pretty face.
Lastly, of course, is Faithfully, the touching tribute to Steve's dog.
Reason Number Three Journey is Awesome
Little known fact, everyone in Journey but Steve is/was a nerd.
The first few albums they released were boring prog-rock pieces that no one wanted to hear, if Steve had remained undiscovered, they would have fallen into a lifetime of mediocrity and become America's Rush. But luckily, for all of us, Steve washed onto the shore of the San Francisco bay from whatever moonplanet he was born on and graced us with one of the greatest frontmen ever.

Which of these is best? Journey Greatest Hits? or Journey Greatest Hits Live?
Little known fact, the CIA tried to make Castro choose between the two in a botched assassination attempt in 1953...30 YEARS BEFORE THE TRACKS WERE RECORDED!!!
(To avoid explosion, Castro lied and said he preferred Styx)
Reason Number Four Journey is Awesome.