Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Upper Case K (A Meditation)(Also a good DJ name)

Imagine yourself behind a desk in a crowded lobby. A computer screen rests before your eyeballs, keyboard, mouse, assorted brochures. To your right, just in the peripheral of your vision there are shelves. Many shelves with many brochures. Your job is to provide information, but what if the information proves too much? These are questions you cannot answer, which in truth, answers your question.

You gaze at the shelves and see the brochures have been labeled, in plain script, with a handy Labelmate brand labeler. One catches your eye. It resides below a phone book (ATT Spring 2006, Greater South Plains). The label reads, "LubbocK" then there is another label below it. "Phone Book."

Why the strange capitalization Mr. K? Is it to denote the all encompassing nature of the phone book? The mighy "L" and "K" acting as sentinels, guarding the world of Lubbock and her phone numbers (and pizza coupons).

Was this a specific message to me? As my name begins with an upper case "K." What message do you have for Mr. Label? Are you marking my place in this world, do I, Kyle with an uppercase "K," belong in Lubbock, the land of upper case "K's." These are answers I do not have, and even my many mighty brochures offer no elucidation.

Perhaps this is no cosmic sign at all, rather the work of an errant labeler. If so, I'm dissapointed. Because, bold label, you have offered me untold mystery and distraction at work, and I assigned to you a greater importance. If you are uppercase merely by the whim of someone with a Labelmate, what does that say about me, and my uppercase "K," what does that say about all of us.

Once again, my brochures prove useless. But they do offer very enticing deals on 2 bedroom apartments.


Sebastian said...

This made me smile.

Anonymous said...

i love you and your capital k.