Friday, October 31, 2008

Sorry (I'm Not Interesting When I'm Not Angsty)

I don't really have much to say.

(That's not some retardedly enigmatic call for attention, I just felt bad not updating for a while, but the fact of the matter is that nothing really interesting has canoed down my brain river. Also I realize that writing a single definitive sounding sentence reeks of the finality of a 12 year old girl; but you know what, Hemingway never wrote a sentence longer than 6 words. So take that.)


Sebastian said...

12 year old girl? You did this shit as a 15 year old (boy?).

From your Xanga:

"Life is boring at the moment,

Death Cab makes me melancholy."


Anonymous said...

today we learned about "ghosting" in photography(this flash trick thing) anyways, it reminded me of you and our facebook ghosts.
