Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Kyle's Sappy Blog (Sappier Than Usual)

It's good to see you internet, it's been a while.

This is my third to last day of work. I've been here for around a year, and now i'm ready to leave.

I head to Austin on the 20th, it's not very far away.

KMB erupted from my mind-placenta a little over a year ago, and things have changed a lot since then.

Back then, I was insecure, mopey, and isolated. I'm still insecure and sometimes I get a little down, but it's not the same. I've figured out how to be happy.

It wasn't even a conscious decision, just something that grew organically out of my socializing and the normal maturation that comes with age (a whole year!).

I used to come home every night and lie in bed and feel smothered by nothingness. Even if i spent the whole evening with friends, having a good time, I would come home and be consumed by all kind of negative emotions, usually worry, often anger, and sometimes just apathy. And ever so slowly, God brought me through that.

This just dawned on me last night, as I was laying in bed. I'm leaving basically everyone I know and love in two weeks, armed only with awkward social skills and the wit of oscar wilde; but as i sat there, waiting for tired eyes, I was perfectly content with this, perfectly confident; everything is alright.

More than anything, this has made me grateful for the people in my life, I'm trying to see as many of them as possible in this short time, and as i'm doing so, i'm seeing the influence they had over me that i never noticed, and I love them all for it. I love you guys.

So here I am, at this weird empasse, that I don't know if i'll ever experience the same way again. This transition, a year late, from everything i've known to everything i don't. It's a new beginning.

And I wonder what the implications of this are for the Magic Blog. The way I see it, the Magic Blog was a story. A story in a couple of layers, the story of me figuring out who and how i want to be for the rest of my life, the story of my first year of college, the story of me working out all of this misplaced sadness and aggression in front of all of you with a few turns of phrase; but most of all it was the story of me trying to tell a story about a boy and a girl.

And i never even got around to sharing it.

A long form of the story exists. I wrote it a week after I graduated high school. It has all the gorey details, beginning to end, every jot and tittle, other cliches for completeness. But, you guys don't need that, and I don't need that.

So here is the story I made this blog to tell.

Once upon a time, there was a boy and a girl. The boy thought the girl was the most special girl he had ever encountered, so he tried to make her feel the same way. Sadly, the girl couldn't make herself feel the way the boy felt. This made the boy very sad for a long time. But, one day, he realized that maybe it was better to be friends than to be sad; so he stopped. And it didn't matter so much anymore and things were better.

So now the Magic Blog has to find a new identity. The awkward part is that every story I told featured characters that I was familiar with for years, which enabled a certain sort of honesty that I feel i might be incapable of duplicating, especially since I will be writing about new people.

I can't really see myself telling the story of the girl that I like from my film class in the Magic Blog, especially since i'm trying to use it as a seduction tool; she'll think i'm a fourteen year old weirdo.

So much like myself, the Magic Blog has to make this transition blind, hopefully she will survive, she should, she's a fighter.


little claire said...

i love you, kyle. :]

Jeth Walkup said...

Even with you living in the same city, i hear more from you through KMB than from your mouth, and that will be even more true while you are in Austin. So, you should update it often. And KMSB.